Choosing a Crystal: Trust your intuition, don’t overthink it. The crystal that naturally catches your eye is usually the one that will perfectly complement your unique needs and wishes for your life.
AGATE: balance / grounding / healing / positivity / protection
- BLUE LACE AGATE: communication / inner peace / tranquility
- BOTSWANA AGATE: comfort / personal growth / protection / strength
- CRAZY LACE AGATE: happiness & positivity / optimism / stability
- DENDRITIC AGATE: abundance / calming / personal growth
- FIRE AGATE: courage / protection / strength
- FLOWER AGATE: new beginnings / grounding / self-growth
- MOSS AGATE: creativity / courage / prosperity
AMAZONITE: balance / calming / communication / dispels negative energy
AMETHYST: clarity / cleansing / protection / serenity
ANGELITE: compassion / growth / peace / protection
APATITE: clarity / expression / motivation / manifestation
AQUAMARINE: courage / mindfulness / self-expression / serenity
ARAGONITE: balance / grounding / self-confidence
AVENTURINE: abundance / growth / healing / luck
CALCITE: balance / cleansing / energize / growth
- BLUE CALCITE: communication / emotional release / tranquility
- CARIBBEAN CALCITE: balance / calming / cleansing / healing
- MANGANO CALCITE: compassion / healing / love / serenity
CARNELIAN: confidence / grounding / focus / inspiration
CHALCEDONY: cleansing / harmony / healing / positivity
CHRYSOCOLLA: calming / cleansing / love / wisdom
CHRYSOPRASE: compassion / growth / love / positivity
CITRINE: cleansing / creativity / energizing / self-confidence
DIAMOND: abundance / commitment / integrity / strength
EMERALD: clarity / inspiration / love / passion / wisdom
FLUORITE: cleansing / focus / inspiration / protection
GARNET: creativity / energizing / love / self-confidence
GREEN MOONSTONE / GARNIERITE: balance / growth / love / new beginnings
HEMATITE: grounding / focus / healing / strength
HEMIMORPHITE: confidence / happiness / inner strength / wellness
HOWLITE: awareness / calming / patience / serenity
IOLITE: balance / clarity / connection
JADE: abundance / harmony / protection / serenity / wisdom
JASPER: balance / healing / grounding / nurturing
- DALMATIAN JASPER: grounding / healing / protection
- OCEAN JASPER: happiness / healing / patience / protection
- ZEBRA JASPER: balance / creativity / positivity / self-confidence
KUNZITE: communication / new beginnings / self-love / strength
KYANITE: clarity / cleansing / forgiveness / positivity / peace
LABRADORITE: clarity / growth / protection / transformation
LAPIS LAZULI: focus / intuition / purification / self-expression
LARIMAR: balance / cleansing / peace / tranquility
LEPIDOLITE: calming / peace / transformation
LODOLITE: cleansing / intuition / manifestation
MAGNESITE: calming / creativity / peace / self-love
MOONSTONE: balance / growth / intuition / soothing / strength
MORGANITE: compassion / healing / love / self-care
OBSIDIAN: cleansing / energizing / grounding / protection
- GOLDEN SHEEN OBSIDIAN: balance / grounding / strength
- SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN: balance / focus / purity
ONYX: confidence / protection / strength
OPAL: balance / inner peace / inspiration / love
- BLACK OPAL: calming / conquer fear / protection
- DENDRITE OPAL: balance / growth / new beginnings / peace
- PINK OPAL: acceptance / love / renewal
PREHNITE: calming / conquer fear / focus / unconditional love
PYRITE: growth / prosperity / protection / strength
QUARTZ: calming / clarity / cleansing / energizing / healing
- ROSE QUARTZ: compassion / harmony / healing / love / peace
- RUTILATED QUARTZ: balance / cleansing / forgiveness / growth
- SMOKY QUARTZ: cleansing / grounding / positivity / protection / wellness
- TOURMALINATED QUARTZ: balance / grounding / removes negativity
RHODOCHROSITE: healing / passion / positivity / self-love
RHODONITE: compassion / forgiveness / healing / love
RUBY: abundance / grounding / passion / protection
SAPPHIRE: calming / clarity / focus / peace / wisdom
SELENITE: cleansing / love / peace / protection
SODALITE: focus / intuition / self-expression / truth
SUNSTONE: creativity / empowerment / joy / vitality
TANZANITE: clarity / communication / intuition / soothing
TIGERS EYE: confidence / inspiration / protection / strength / vitality
TOPAZ: growth / forgiveness / joy / love / motivation
TOURMALINE: cleansing / peace / protection / self-confidence
TURQUOISE: balance / intuition / protection / strength